Take a virtual tour of the portfolio

Schroder Real Estate Investment Trust

Learn more about our assets in through these virtual tours:

Stacy Bushes, Milton Keynes and Millshaw, Leeds

Stanley Green, Manchester and Langley Park, Chippenham

St. John’s Retail Park, Bedford and Headingley Central, Leeds

City Tower, Manchester and University of Law, Bloomsbury

What are the risks?

Investments in real estate are relatively illiquid and more difficult to realise than equities or bonds.
Yields may vary and are not guaranteed.
The use of gearing is likely to lead to volatility in the Net Asset Value ("NAV") meaning that a relatively small movement either down or up in the value of the Company's total assets will result in a magnified movement in the same direction of that NAV.
There is no guarantee that the market price of shares in a UK Real Estate Investment Trust such as SREIT will fully reflect their underlying NAV.
The value of real estate is a matter of a valuer's opinion rather than fact.
This UK Real Estate Investment Trust should be considered only as part of a balanced portfolio, of which it should not form a disproportionate part.