Our sustainable investment policies, disclosures & reports

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

How we meet Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) requirements

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Industry involvement

How we promote the development of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG)

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Corporate sustainability

Accelerating positive change for people and the planet

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Sustainability analysis in practice

Our sustainable investment reports

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Schroders Group Sustainable Investment Policy
Voting Guidelines
Group Exclusion Policy
UN PRI statement of compliance

Position statements

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Schroders Group Human Rights Position Statement
Schroders Group Nature and Biodiversity Position Statement
Schroders Group Climate Change Position Statement
Modern Slavery Statement

Engagement, stewardship and voting transparency

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Engagement Blueprint for Listed Assets
Voting Activity Dashboard
Voting season blog
Stewardship Code
Engagement Blueprint for Private Markets

Climate and nature

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Climate Report (TCFD aligned)
Climate Transition Action Plan
Our Plan for nature
Managing Deforestation risk within our investment portfolios

Regulatory disclosures and statements

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Our SFDR disclosures and statements